beAWARE together with IReact and ANYWHERE are organising the 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Crisis Management Technologies for climate events – ICMT – in May 20th, 2018  in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Information systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). ICMT welcomes novel research work that deals with new technologies to support rapid and efficient response to and management of the climate disasters including (but not limited to) fires, floods and heatwaves. The objective of the workshop is twofold:

  • First, the workshop aims at presenting the most recent methods for forecasting, early warning, collection, processing, and transmission of the emergency data, analysis of multimodal data and coordination between the first responders and the authorities.
  • Second, it aims at bringing together practitioners and researchers, both from crisis management and technical domains, to share ideas and experiences in designing and implementing novel intelligent techniques and tools to support crisis management.

All the workshop papers will be included in the main conference proceedings.


  • Information systems for crisis planning and crisis response
  • Nowcasting and forecasting models
  • Multirisk models
  • Multimedia analysis for crisis management
  • Data fusion, representation, and visualization
  • Decision support systems
  • Early warning systems
  • Social Media for Crisis management
  • Crowdsourcing systems & Gamification strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Human-centered design for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
  • Accurate outdoor and indoor positioning technologies for emergency services
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality applications for Emergency Response
  • UAV applications and technologies for emergency services
  • Big Data Analytics and architectures for emergency management

Papers should be 3000-6000 words, references included following the main conference template. See the conference website for additional information regarding the submission process.

Submit your paper, by clicking here.


  • Submission of full papers: January 15, 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: January 25, 2018
  • Camera ready versions submission: March 4, 2018
  • Author advance registration: April 15, 2018

Do you have questions?Please contact, Anastasios Karakostas (CERTH-ITI) at