External Cooperation Platforms
The challenges for Crisis Management are manifold with a large variety of threats such as natural disasters, terrorism, pandemics, migration, etc. In order to efficiently answer to these challenges, a vast range of capabilities and expertise is needed. In addition, the threats are often not limited to a certain region or even state, thus, response activities must often stretch over both country borders and language barriers. Crisis Management is a multidisciplinary field and involves many different organisations specialised and covering various mission functions throughout the whole Crisis Management cycle (prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery).
DRIVER+ follows an open and inclusive approach and invests significant efforts for involving external stakeholders in the project’s activities through concrete external cooperation actions.
Practitioners, Solutions providers : Join us !
External cooperation is one of the key success factors for DRIVER+. The consortium seeks to closely work with innovative solution providers, interested and concerned practitioners that may benefit from the results of DRIVER+, and Crisis Management experts providing required expertise to strengthen the project team.
To this end, DRIVER+ created two external cooperation platforms, supported by an online tool: the Community Management Tool (CMT).This is the online meeting place for the platform members to interact and share information, experiences and best practices.

Are you a Practitioner?
DRIVER+ aims to involve Crisis Management practitioners facing capability gaps in dealing with large-scale crisis, solution providers providing innovations that have the potential to close these gaps and policy makers interested in the results of the project and its policy implications. If you are one of these stakeholders you can participate in the four DRIVER+ Trials, the Final Demonstration, but also other project events, such as the event series on Innovation for Crisis Management. In addition, you can help to support the preparation of technical documents and the provision of services.

Are you a Solution provider?
DRIVER+ aims to involve Solution providers from industry, SMEs and research having developed innovative solutions that contribute to closing existing gaps in Crisis Management and offering their solutions to the project’s trialling activities to showcase them to interested practitioners. Are you a Solution provider? Register now to interact with the DRIVER+ community.

Why should you join a DRIVER+ external cooperation platform
Collect new experiences with new network partners and organisations
Share best practices and lessons learnt with other practitioners
Practitioners involved will have the chance to share experiences and knoweledge with peers from different backgrounds and countries, resulting in both wider knowledge and increased understanding of each other’s way of working. Possibly methods and procedures used in one organisation will prove suitable laso for another. Besides the exchanges on operational aspects, in the context of DRIVER+ this sharing will be in particular facilitated on different approaches taken by practitioner organisations towards innovation management (from the identification of needs and operational gaps to the uptake and implementation of new and promising solutions).
Learn about new and innovative solutions supporting your operations
DRIVER+ will invite innovative solution providers to present their products, giving practitioners and Crisis Management experts a unique opportunity to learn about new solutions from industry/SMEs and research before they reach the market. It allows the potential users to get new ideas on how to perform their operations better, being inspired by innovative, new solutions.
Possibility to present your products/solutions to potential (new) customers
Solutions providers are given a platform for direct communication with the end-users of their products, presenting and ideal (commercial) opportunity as these are potential customers. DRIVER+ will in particular enable other research projects to showcase their solutions to interested practitioners and will therefore promote European publicly funded research results.
Get valuable feedback and response from practitioners on their products and solutions
Solution providers may interact with the users of their products and get immediate feedback that can be taken into account for their comercial activities, for the further development of existing solutions and the future development of new ones. Practitioners participating to the project have the opportunity to affect the direction of development, and ensure that the very issues limiting them in their daily work are addressed.
Enhance your functionalities through integration of solutions
Especially solution providers from SMEs or smaller research organisations have a chance to interact with each other and larger players to discuss potential joint operations. Possibly two or several solutions can be combined and integrated, creating an even more innovative product than each one standing alone. Enhancing the functionalities and thereby the potential application cases will allow to reach out and to access new markets. Ideas for such collaborations can also be run by the end-users for direct feedback regarding sustainability and relevance.
Participate in the European dimension of DRIVER+ Trials and Final Demonstration
The cross-border and international issues in the underlying scenarios and how relevant EU policy documents and other international agreements serve as input for the scenario development will be special of interest for policy makers. In addition, recommendations for standard development and findings with respect to the effectiveness and usability of the trialled solutions, and in particular on their potential added value in other countries and/or secific European actions and mechanisms is considered to be of high relevance for representatives from policy as well.