The upcoming DRIVER+ Trial is taking place in Austria on 12-14 September. It will focus on a strong earthquake and subsequent heavy rains simulated in the central area of Austria, causing severe damage in the most affected area, the local region of Eisenerz (in Styria, Austria).
Five innovative Crisis Management solutions will be assessed: CrowdTasker (AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology), Airborne and Terrestrial Situational Awareness (DLR, German Aerospace Center), VieWTerra (VWORLD), Psychological First Aid (DRC and Psychosocial Centre), ASIGN (AnsuR). As you can see, a detailed description of the solutions can be found on the DRIVER+ Portfolio of Solution Website.
The Trial will be organised as a multi-day field exercise in parallel to the EUCP-EX in the framework of IRONORE2019. The EUCP-EX will be organised as a Large Scale European Civil Protection exercise. National emergency organisations will be present with their volunteers and experts while making use of equipment, vehicles and tools in simulated disasters scenarios.
To know more about this event, please visit the dedicated section of Trial Austria.