Thursday, 20th February 2020
10:00h Building a Strong European Crisis Management Community- The Portfolio of Solutions and the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE)
Establishing strategies for building, reinforcing and sustaining the momentum established for the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE) and the Portfolio of Solutions
Chair: Albrecht Beck, Prepared International
With: Harald Drager, The International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS)
Harm Bastian Harms, Johanniter
Todor Tagarev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences/DRIVER+
Further panellists to be confirmed
11:45h Adopting DRIVER+ Solutions- The Centre of Expertise (CoE) Network
Discussing how Centres of Expertise can be recruited and supported to boost pan-European crisis management skills
Chair: Brigitte Slot, Ecorys
With: Jon Hall, Resilience Advisors Network (RAN)
Anna Kobierzycka, Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (SRC PAS)
Christian Resch, Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA)
Thomas Seltsam, Austrian Red Cross (ARC)