Since January 1, 2019, Romania has taken over the rotating six month presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first time since its EU accession in 2007.

Further to the official start in the Romanian presidency, the Council of the European Union circulated  a note on 15 January 2019 related to the Work Programme of the Romanian Presidency in the field of civil protection. The work programme gives a very clear overview of the Romanian contributions at the EU level,  enhancing:

  • The cooperation amongst the EU Member States in disaster management,
  • Their commitment to a Europe of safety.
  • The collaboration between the EU and NATO in the field of civil protection. 

The dedicated Working Party for Civil Protection (PROCIV) in charge of following-up the work programme has detailed there a list of main topics and events the Working Party is now involved in, related to Union Civil Protection Mechanism, civil protection, disaster risk reduction…. amongst them: The statement of the European Union and its Member States to the 6th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (13-17 May 2019, Geneva, Switzerland). The PROCIV and COHAFA Working Parties will contribute to a common EU position for the 6th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. This action should be seen as a follow-up to initiatives of former Presidencies aimed at maintaining close and solid cooperation between the European Union and the United Nations.

Please visit the following link to discover more about the programme and the planned missions and events of the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council: 

More than can found on the following media channels: Website:
Social media: follow #ro2019eu