Trial Austria is taking place this week, on 12-14th September 2019 in Eisenerz, Austria.
As a reminder, Trial Austria, is focusing on a strong earthquake scenario and subsequent heavy rains simulated in the central area of Austria, causing severe damage in the most affected area, the local region of Eisenerz (in Styria, Austria).
The main objective of Trial Austria is to find solutions overcoming shortcomings and limitations in the management and monitoring of spontaneous as well as affiliated volunteers on the crisis scene in terms of location, tasking, capabilities and duration of operations. It will also highlight the ability to merge and synthesise disparate data sources and models in real time (e.g. visualisation of resources, critical assets map, damaged objects/infrastructure etc.) to support incident commander decision making, situation assessment and exchanging crisis-related information. The Trial also focuses on solutions for providing psychosocial support as well as interaction with population (e.g. foster communication capabilities, registration of affected people, provide safety information, etc.).
DRIVER+ Trial – Austria is being organised by the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and hosted by the Austrian Red Cross (ARC) in Eisenerz/Münichtal.
The Trial will be conducted as a multi-day field exercise run in parallel to the large-scale European Civil Protection exercise IRONORE2019.
Trial Austria will be closely followed up on social media, if you are interested, follow our Twitter account or take a look at the dedicated Facebook page More information about the Trial can be found here.