Crisis Management Innovation
Network Europe

Join the new Community of Practice in Crisis Management: the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe !
The engagement of policy makers, researchers, practitioners, industry representatives and citizens in Crisis Management innovation is a key to reduce partition, create a common understanding and find better solutions smarter and faster.
The CMINE, supported by an online tool and in-person gatherings, will link and connect stakeholders dealing with Crisis Management and allow them to exchange on challenges at all levels of the Crisis Management cycle. This will facilitate the implementation of policies and the uptake of research and innovation by practitioners and other end-users.
What is the CMINE?
The Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE) is a Community of Practice that fosters innovation and enhances a shared understanding in the fields of Crisis Management and Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe. CMINE is creating an umbrella network of stakeholders active in Crisis Management by linking existing projects, networks and initiatives. By doing so, CMINE reduces fragmentation, generates ideas and helps to identify innovative solutions to improve European resilience.
CMINE comprises an online community platform and face to face meetings and workshops with the aim of tackling current and future challenges and facilitating the uptake of research and innovation by practitioner organisations. Different Task Groups have been set up to develop approaches aimed at resolving current issues in different Crisis Management domains, such as Floods, Wildfires or Volunteer Management.
CMINE is designed to evolve continuously through collaboration with the aim of becoming a pan-European platform, which is centred on the exchanges between various Crisis Management professionals.
Who is it for?
CMINE aims to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders that would not normally interact with each other on a regular basis. This includes policymakers, practitioners, members of the private sector, NGOs /CSOs, science & research, training & education, media and standardisation representatives.
What is the added value?
CMINE offers its members an online and offline environment to actively engage with other Crisis Management professionals. Its guiding principles and ambitions are to:
- Foster multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral interaction – Join a diverse group of stakeholders active in Crisis Management, share knowledge, ideas and work together to solve current and future challenges
- Engage members through a content-driven approach – Benefit from a structured, moderated and open space to generate ideas and foster innovation through interaction
- Become a hub for Crisis Management Innovation in Europe – Discover key information such as results of research projects and cutting-edge Crisis Management solutions and stay up to date on Crisis Management news and events
- Provide visibility and networking opportunities to the Crisis Management community – Showcase your results (e.g. EU-funded research projects) to increase visibility, while expanding your networks through our expert database
CMINE Press release
Please click here to consult the latest press release.
The CMINE app is available.
Crisis management updates on the go!
The CMINE app provides a much easier and quicker access to the features of the main platform
Both apps can be downloaded for free!
Improve market uptake of crisis management solutions
Many initiatives and projects have already been launched in the field of Crisis Management. However, coordination and cooperation between the various entities often remain limited. On of the main objectives behind the creation of the CMINE is therefore to reduce and eventually overcome this fragmentation by acting as an umbrella and connecting the actors in the Crisis Management field.
Identifying challenges jointly is the first step towards solving them. To this end, the aim is to provide stakeholders with a fertile ground for new ideas, enabling them to work jointly on identifying needs, defining gaps and the sharing of lessons learnt. The synergies that stem from the CMINE offer stakeholders an excellent opportunity to discuss challenges on all levels and encourages them to come up with novel and innovative solutions.
For the time being, only a small number of solutions are transformed into actual services or products that can be used by Crisis Management practitioners. While the uptake of solutions in the security domain is better than elsewhere, it is still insufficient considering the investments made. By fostering the exchange of knowledge, insights, and best practices, the CMINE aims to reduce the gap in market uptake.
The synergies that stem from the CMINE offer stakeholders an excellent opportunity to discuss challenges at regional, national and European level and encourages them to come up with novel and innovative solutions that will contribute to mutual and cross-border benefits.

Crisis Management Networks
Connect your network to others, develop solutions faster and better, addressing acute challenges in a timely and effective manner.

Practitioners and Civil Society
Contribute to finding solutions to practical challenges through direct contact with the developers of new methods and tools.

Ensure faster uptake of research outputs by practitioners and industry.

Policy Makers
Retrieve insights from those working on the ground to improve the quality and efficiency of policies.

Solution Providers
Access to the end-users and conceptual developers of tools to identify needs, gaps and opportunities.
Close synergies amongst all actors of the Crisis Management ecosystem will help to ensure that the European dimension is appropriately addressed, thus spreading excellence and maximising the expected impact of European Research & Innovation in Crisis Management.
Your continued participation in the project activities is important to us and will help the CMINE to align with and to follow-up on relevant policies, challenges, gaps and community needs faced within the wide spectrum of thematic areas dealing with Crisis Management.
Your expertise, lessons learnt and best practices from past experience are of great value to us, so that we can jointly progress in the critical areas of Crisis Management and create acceptance for new solutions and approaches towards the successful introduction of innovation in the field.